Publication Ethics

Bohouth Tarbaweya: International Journal of Educational Research upholds rigorous ethical standards for all participants in the publication process, which encompasses authors, journal editors, peer reviewers, and the publisher. This journal publishes research articles biannually within the education field, making them accessible online through open access and available in print. The ethical conduct expected from every party engaged in the article publishing process, such as authors, the editor-in-chief, the Editorial Board, reviewers, and the publisher, is elucidated in accordance with the COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication

The publication of an article in the Bohouth Tarbaweya Journal plays a pivotal role in the establishment of a cohesive and reputable knowledge network. It serves as a direct reflection of both the author's work and the supporting institutions' quality. Peer-reviewed articles are foundational to and embody the principles of scientific inquiry. Consequently, it is imperative to establish a consensus regarding the ethical standards expected from all parties engaged in the publication process, including authors, editors, reviewers, publishers, and the broader academic community. Bohouth TarbaweyaJournal is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that factors such as advertising, reprints, or other commercial interests do not exert any influence on editorial decisions.

Publication Decisions

The editorial team at Bohouth Tarbaweya Journal assumes the responsibility of determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication in the journal. Their decision-making process is influenced by the established policies set forth by the Bohouth Tarbaweya Journal editorial board and is subject to legal regulations concerning issues such as libel, copyright violations, and plagiarism that are currently in effect. Collaboration with other editors or reviewers is not uncommon when deliberating on publication outcomes.

Fair Play

Editors assess manuscripts based on their intellectual content, maintaining a commitment to impartiality with respect to the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic background, citizenship, or political ideologies.


The editors and any members of the editorial team are obliged to maintain strict confidentiality concerning information related to a submitted manuscript. This information may only be shared with the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants, and the publisher, as deemed necessary and appropriate.

Disclosure and conflicts of Interest

Any unpublished materials revealed within a submitted manuscript cannot be employed in an editor's personal research endeavors unless explicit written authorization is obtained from the author.

Duties of Authors

1. Reporting Integrity:

Authors of original research reports are expected to present a precise account of their work and engage in an impartial discussion of its significance. The data underlying the research must be accurately represented in the manuscript, and it should include adequate details and references to enable replication. Any deliberate misrepresentations or knowingly false statements are deemed unethical and unacceptable.

2. Data Availability and Preservation:

Authors may be requested to furnish the raw data associated with their manuscript for editorial assessment. They should be prepared to provide this data within a reasonable timeframe.

3. Authenticity and Avoidance of Plagiarism:

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is entirely original. If they have used the work or words of others, proper citations and quotations must be employed.

4. Publication Redundancy:

Authors should refrain from submitting manuscripts describing substantially the same research to multiple journals or simultaneously, as this constitutes unethical publishing conduct and is not acceptable.

5. Proper Attribution:

Authors must give appropriate credit to the work of others that has influenced their research, duly citing relevant publications.

6. Authorship Criteria:

Authorship should be limited to those individuals who have made substantial contributions to the conceptualization, design, execution, or interpretation of the research study. All significant contributors should be listed as co-authors. Those who participated in specific substantive aspects of the research project should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate co-authors are included, and no inappropriate ones, and that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript for submission.

7. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:

Authors are required to disclose any financial or other significant conflicts of interest that could potentially influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be openly declared.

8. Correction of Errors in Published Works:

If an author identifies a substantial error or inaccuracy in their own published work, they are obligated to promptly inform the journal editor or publisher and cooperate in either retracting or correcting the paper.

9. Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects:

If the research involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment with inherent unusual hazards, these must be clearly identified within the manuscript.

Duties of Editors

1. Impartiality:

An editor assesses manuscripts based on their intellectual content, without any consideration of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic background, citizenship, or political affiliations.

2. Confidentiality:

The editor and any members of the editorial team are obligated to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any information pertaining to a submitted manuscript. Such information may only be disclosed to the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and the publisher when deemed necessary.

3. Ethical Conduct and Conflicts of Interest:

Unpublished materials divulged within a submitted manuscript should not be employed in an editor's own research endeavors unless explicit written consent is obtained from the author.

4. Editorial Decision-Making:

The editorial board of the journal holds the responsibility for determining which submitted articles should be published. These decisions should be primarily driven by the validation and significance of the work to researchers and readers. Editors may adhere to the policies set forth by the journal's editorial board and abide by relevant legal regulations pertaining to issues such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Collaboration with other editors or reviewers in this decision-making process is encouraged.

5. Manuscript Review:

Editors are tasked with ensuring that each manuscript undergoes an initial assessment for originality. The peer review process should be administered in a fair and judicious manner. Editors are expected to outline their peer review procedures in the author guidelines, specifying which sections of the journal undergo peer review. They should select appropriate peer reviewers for manuscripts under consideration, choosing individuals with the requisite expertise and avoiding those with conflicts of interest.

Duties of Reviewers

1. Contribution to Editorial Decision-Making:

The peer review process plays a crucial role in aiding the editor in making editorial decisions. Moreover, it facilitates constructive communication between the editor and the author, potentially assisting the author in enhancing the quality of the paper.

2. Timeliness:

If a selected referee believes that they lack the qualifications to evaluate the research presented in a manuscript or anticipates that they cannot review it promptly, they should promptly inform the editor and recuse themselves from the review process.

3. Objectivity Standards:

Reviews should be conducted in an objective manner, avoiding any personal criticism of the author. Referees are expected to express their assessments clearly and support them with well-founded arguments.

4. Confidentiality:

Manuscripts submitted for review must be treated as confidential documents. They should not be disclosed or discussed with any unauthorized individuals except as explicitly authorized by the editor.

5. Disclosure and Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest:

Any privileged information or insights obtained through the peer review process must be treated with confidentiality and must not be exploited for personal gain. Reviewers are obliged to abstain from evaluating manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest stemming from competitive, collaborative, or other affiliations or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the papers.

6. Proper Attribution of Sources:

Reviewers should identify pertinent previously published work that has not been cited by the authors. Whenever a reviewer notes that an observation, derivation, or argument has been previously documented, they should provide the appropriate citation. Reviewers should also bring to the editor's attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper within their personal knowledge.